Skew Chisels

Skew Chisels

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The Skew Chisel

The skew chisel takes some practice to master but it is well worth the effort as it is a very important and versatile tool for spindle turning. In use the bevel of the tool must rub against the wood and the blade must rest on the tool rest at all times. It will achieve a perfectly flat surface when used for planing and it will produce beading, tapering, rounding ends, V cuts and squaring shoulders.

If the tool is not presented to the wood correctly the tool will snatch making first attempts a little daunting. Try to get some tuition or watch a video, a very good video can be found on You Tube “The Skew Chisel with Alan Batty”.

With economy in mind we suggest you get some 27 x 27mm short stock or there about, rough it to the round with a roughing gouge and then practice planing the wood to a smooth finish. Then using the same piece of wood try making some beads. Repeat this operation until you gain confidence and perfect results.